The Stigma of Suicide

Stigma silences. Stigma shames. Stigma controls. Stigma creates barriers. Stigma isolates. Stigma alienates. Stigma spreads fear. Perhaps nothing in the field of mental health is more stigmatized and misunderstood than suicide. Part of the problem is the stigma itself. Why is it so hard to talk about suicide? As a suicide loss survivor and asContinue reading “The Stigma of Suicide”

Blessed Youth

“Sometimes I cry when I am laughing so hard and my sides hurt,” I smile as I talk to my six year old niece. “Yes, tears just start falling out of my eyes!” “It’s the same water that’s in your nose,” she says matter-of-factly. “And sometimes I cry when I am feeling sad or lonely.Continue reading “Blessed Youth”

Mental Health Blessings

Every day this month, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I’ve posted a simple string of words onto my Facebook page with the hashtag Mental Health, “People with ____ are loved by God #MentalHealth.” The response has been overwhelming, with people loving, liking, caring, and sharing with friends. It turns out that many ofContinue reading “Mental Health Blessings”